Thursday, January 14, 2010

"The Adventures of the Speckled Band”

“The Adventures of the Speckled Band” is the first and only Sherlock Holmes story I’ve ever read, and my expectations were not met, although I’ve never read a Sherlock Holmes detective tale I feel that the descriptions I’ve heard about them prior to reading this story differs from the impression I received. A key component in detective literature is suspense and I felt that “The Adventures of the Speckled Band” lacked suspense. I don’t think I found the story suspenseful based on a lack of interest. I would have felt an increased level of suspense if there would have been more emotional connection to the victim and if there was a higher degree of in-the-moment description. Since Watson was recounting the tale, rather than telling about it while witnessing it not as much excitement was transferred into the story.I found it interesting that the story was told from the point of view of Watson instead of Sherlock Holmes. Having Watson narrate, I feel detracted from the story because had Holmes narrated more insight would have been given to what was occurring in the actual detectives mind rather than an outsider’s point-of-view. Knowing when and how the detective put together pieces of information I feel would have benefited the story. I also found it atypical that the story lacked suspects. I feel that multiple suspects and clues are aspects that most detective fiction encompasses and this story lacked both of these detective norms. I also found that I was expecting a humor to be an element utilized in Doyle’s story. Although I’m an amateur detective/mystery reader based on my background knowledge and recently viewing the Sherlock Holmes movie I expected Holmes to have a stronger personality and comedy to be used as an element in the story.

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