Thursday, January 21, 2010

Harper's articles

“Harper’s Magazine” seems to be a general interest magazine which appeals to a wide variety of readers. The only theme that struck me was that every piece in the magazine was well written. This seems to be a valuable magazine for the individual who holds puts no boundaries on his/her knowledge. In a world that becomes more diverse every day this magazine seems to keep pace by staying just as broad as the audience it publishes for.
One particularly interesting poem I read was entitled “Wanted-St. Patrick”. This poem told the story of how St. Patrick drove out all the unwanted snakes in Ireland. The poem then goes on to ask where all the St. Patrick’s have gone. The poem was referring to individuals who protect the land and who watch for the “snakes” that terrorize communities, such as criminals. The poem used St. Patrick as a lovely metaphor for citizenship and I thought it was very clever. I would subscribe to this magazine based upon its variability in article selection. This feature of the magaizine seperates it from more traditional magazines which usually concentrate their writing efforts on one subject matter.

1 comment:

  1. I find it very interesting that you thought that the sophisticated style of writing is actually a theme in this magazine while the majority of the class just saw it as a random compilation of pieces. Your poem jumped out at me, since I believe that even today we need more "St. Patricks." I especially liked the snake as a metaphor for the criminals and just all the "bad people" out there. I feel like good citizenship is highly needed today. Not only to drive out thieves and criminals but also to help with the current "going green" campaign. Thus, I believe that this poem is greatly relevant to today's circumstance. We definitely do need more St. Patricks!
