Thursday, January 21, 2010

Harper's Monthly - June 1855

I feel like this issue of Harper’s New Monthly Magazine was very repetitive and somewhat random. I noticed that a couple group members had articles about family and the ideal family for the time. I read to articles that were narratives about families who had some type of division, an atypical thing for the 1800’s. These articles showed how important the family life was at the time and the importance of a united family. In contrast, another member of my group had an article and artwork that portray the ideal family for the 1800’s. I found these polar views intriguing and very informative in an informal way.
Another theme in this particular issue was traveling. Two different articles were about the author’s travels to other countries. One article looked back on the author’s travels in a more reflective and comparative way while the other article was more of an account of the author’s travels.
The other articles in this issue fit in a wide variety of different genres and themes. There were some dramatic, some informative, and some opinion articles, all of which I surprisingly found entertaining. After reading this issue I was surprised to find the reading enjoyable and not just another forced reading assignment. I am definitely interested in reading more of Harper’s New Monthly Magazine.

1 comment:

  1. I also had many articles that went along the theme of travel. The first article that I read was about a man traveling in Constantinople. Another article was about the great pyramids in Egypt. The last article I read was about the Erie railroad and how people could travel on it to see the most beautiful scenes of nature. I also had a variety of genres, from a short poem to a political and educational opinion article. I agree with you on the fact that wide variety and different types of articles made reading Harper's magazine different than reading just a normal reading assignment. I did not have any family articles, but I think it is interesting there would be an article discussing the importance of family. It may show that Harper's magazine was trying to appeal to the family audience.
