Thursday, January 21, 2010

Harpers Weekly- July 1850

My portion of the Harper's Weekly magazine was very intriguing and there were various types of articles in the July 1850 edition. Most of my articles seemed to serve as forms of entertainment, rather than for scholarly use. There was a poem called the Orphan’s Journey home that was touching and inspirational. The majority of the articles were written from a person’s or the author’s own personal experiences. The article entitled Greenwich Weather Wisdom was a very informational piece that discussed the qualms of the dreary weather in England, but also went into great detail about the instruments that had been developed to study weather patterns and measure amounts of electricity in the air. There was interestingly an article about fashion, which was much different from the types of fashion magazines we read in today’s society. The article, “Fashions for July”, gave three examples of proper attire for the summer months and explicitly detailed each clothing item and accessory. From my readings, I felt the works selected were more entertaining and thought provoking rather than informational. They all had very different writing styles and addressed different audiences which I found very fascinating.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, in my portion of the magazine, there were various types of articles as well. I do not recall any of the articles that I read to be scholarly or informational. Instead, they seemed to serve the purpose of entertainment also. At the same time, there was a variety of writing styles and voices. I did notice that a majority of my articles seemed to be from an autobiography. I wonder why Harper's decided to showcase excerpts from such narratives?
