Thursday, January 21, 2010

Harp Fer

From what I read, Harper's New MOnthly Magazine was meant to reach as broad an audience as possible. The section of articles I read and "synopzized" ranged from dramatice naaritives to short autobiographies, to scientific journals. Two articles I liked particularly were "A Word on Corals," and "Thomas Moore."
The first article was much like a National Geographic article, just minus the pictures. It was on corals, how and where they live, and also delves into thier biological make-up and grouping. One of the most interesting facets of this article is that the author dedicates about half of his writing to Charles Darwin's research and theories on corals, and where they came from - a subject still taught in schools today.
"Thomas Moore" was autobiographical, and focused on how great a man Mr. Thomas Moore was. The article was from the University of Dublin, so I am guessing Mr. Moore was Irish. Regardless of his nationality I think this biographical article commemorates Thomas Moore, and uses him as an example of a trues intellectually educated gentleman.
The two articles were very different, as were the rest of the others from the 1850 July issue of Harpers Ferry. It seems it is meant to attract as wide an audience as possible.

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