Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Reaction to Unit Project

So far I think the first Unit Project has gone well. My group was assigned the September edition of Harper's New Monthly Magazine from 1861. Learning about the magazines of that time has been interesting and beneficial because it shows how journalism has changed from that era to that of today. However, some of the articles that I had to read for the assignment were not particularly stimulating. Some articles were very lengthy and dry, therefore it was a struggle to read them and then summarize them.
The actual writing of the critical introduction has been an interesting experience. Initially, when the project was introduced, I was puzzled as to how four people could collectively write a 10 page paper. But the process has been a lot easier than expected. The division of work and discussion of possible topics was smooth. I found the draft workshop helpful. However, I felt I wasn't as helpful in critiquing other peoples papers as they were to mine. I'm interested to see how the final product turns out.

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