Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Unit Project Reflection - Sterling

The group project on Harper's New Monthly Magazine so far has been a good way for our group to get to know each other and to see everyone's work methods. One positive thing about how the project is set up in general is that the particular deadlines keep the group on pace to ensure that it is not put off until last minute. The editing process including the Draft Workshop that we did in class on Tuesday has been helpful. In my first rough draft, my thesis did not completely reflect the body of the paper because while I was writing and finding new research I just included those points in the paper without going back and inserting them in my thesis. After having it reviewed by a couple of people in my group and receiving their feedback, I was able to revise my thesis to make it more focused on my paper.
Reading Harper's I was not particularly interested in the articles, and wouldn't see myself reading leisurely. However, after doing outside research on the historical background and the purpose behind Harper's, I have acquired a new appreciation for the magazine. I knew that this was a general-interest magazine that aimed to educate the intellectual reader. However, after reading a few articles on Harper's, I have learned that women were the main target audience. This is because women have the social responsibility for nurturing the future of America. Harper's wanted a foundation for these women to become educated, in a time where opportunities for education were unequal. Every article in the magazine had a distinct purpose to expose its readers to a diverse range of topics from politics, pop culture, fashion, fiction literature, etc. Also, our group's particular issue, September 1861, has a strong connection to the time. This was the beginning of the Civil War, when the social and political atmosphere was as tense as ever. Our group is focusing on this connection to the war, which is seen in the inclusion of articles that allude to war. Overall, the project has been educational and a good way for the group to collaborate. Since we have been keeping up with deadlines and discussing our project as a group, I do not think that it will be too stressful once the due date rolls around.

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