Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Unit 1

So far, the unit one project has been a good experience. I really enjoyed being exposed to Harper's New Monthly Magazine. I learned that the styles of writing have changed a lot since the mid 1800s and also that as technology has evolved, the purpose of the magazine in society has also changed. Harper's New Monthly Magazine was largely a source of entertainment for people. Today we have television and ipods but in the 1800s literature was one of the few forms of entertainment.
I also enjoyed being able the connect some of the current events to the articles in the newspaper. This involved research which was oftentimes a time consuming a frustrating process, but nonetheless it was valuable experience that I'll use in all my other classes in the coming years. Group work, so far, has been a very rewarding experience. My group has worked very well with each other and I believe we've all benefited from eachother in this short period of time, so I have a good feeling about our future projects together.

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