Thursday, February 11, 2010

Unit 1 Project

While I was definitely skeptical of group work in a college level course, I have been surprised at how well it has gone so far. My group has worked extremely well together, with each person doing what they were supposed to do and being open to change based on what suits the group most. However, I have still found difficulties in writing a 10 page paper collectively. While I think my group has done a very good job of smoothing out as many of the common problems as we could, there is no escaping the fact that four different writing styles are going into one paper. And no cooperative group member wants their section of the paper to outweight, or underweigh, the parts of other group members.

I have enjoyed working in the same group, and am very pleased with the fact that we will keep the same group for the remainder of the semester. I think by the end of the semester doing group work, group projects, group papers, etc. will be much easier as we will have had several months to adjust to one another and become comfortable offering advice and criticism. I was not looking forward to completing this project after reading my section of the Harper's issue we were assigned, but I have actually enjoyed the project, especially the research and the writing, aside from the initial reading assignment. I feel that the project adequately appeals to several types of people and learners. Overall, I have no major complaints about this project.

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